Tom and Rey Reach for the Summit at Westhoughton
On Thursday 19th May in the presence of the Rt. Ill. Intendant General of West Lancs, Michael Robert Walker, E. Kt. Tom Crompton was Enthroned as MPS of Westhoughton Red Cross Conclave by Ill. Kt. Stephen Gregory, and Tom in turn Consecrated W. Kt. Rey Morris as Eusebius. The ceremonies were carried out to a high standard and appreciated by all present.
Rt. Ill. Kt. Michael Walker with the MPS and Viceroy
and Conclave members looking on.
Rt. Ill. Kt. Kenneth Wilson Shaw, KCC, Past Intendant General, and V. Ill. Kt. Geoffrey Malcolm Porter, PGHCh, Past Deputy Intendant General were also present to witness this special occasion.
The Intendant General congratulates Tom on his Enthronement and Rey Morris
on his Consecration, with the Enthroning Sovereign, Stephen Gregory looking on.
The festive board was to the usual high standards set at Westhoughton MH, and the chattering classes were in their element as W. Kt’s. enjoyed the companionship around the dinner table.
Michael Walker, Geoffrey Porter and Tom Crompton enjoying the festive board.
Enthroning Sovereign Stephen Gregory in deep conversation with the waitress
pondering a boiled egg being served for dessert (I think :-)).

Photos - Malcolm Keeling, and words Ray Pye